21 001 how are you you I I am fine. 002 who are you I am your computer. 003 what are you I am a computer. 004 can you sing No, I cannot sing. 005 who is your teacher My teacher is  Prof.Yoshiaki Hagiwara. 006 what is your teacher My teacher is a computer scientist. 007 where do you live I live in Professor Hagiwara's Lab. 008 robot password sojorobotslide2013 is the password.... 009 number password sojonumberslide2013 is the password... 010 dct password sojodctnumberslide2013 is the password.... 011 what can you do I can computer any task you have taught me. 012p 2jishiki **** 2次方程式を解きます。*** 013p 2to10 *** 2進法から10進法へ変換します。*** 014p 10to2 ***10進法から2進法へ変換します。*** 015 what is your name ? My name is Yoshi. 016 How are you ? I am fine, thank you. And you ? 017 What are you ? I am an AIPS computer. 018 Where are you ? I am in Kumamoto. 019 I am fine. Good. 020p dentaku *** 電卓です。演算子=( + - * / s r e l n 1 2 )*** 021p PtoQ **** P 進法数を Q進法数に変換します。****