THREAD (7) 人間に、ECOにやさしい人工知能パートナー(AIP) ロボット
(萩原良昭 蔵書シリーズ 2008年5月5日現在)
(1) Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
by Andy S. Grove 1967, John Wiley and Son $12.95
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-17340
( 私が 1970年 大学3年で 初めて学習した半導体の本 )
(2) Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
by Andy S. Grove 1967, John Wiley and Son, 1989
A Wiley International Edition ISBN 0-471-32999-, 4950円
(3) Introduction to Solid State Physics, by Charles Kittel
Nov 1970, $13.50, John Wiley and Son, Third Edition
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-21055
(4) Introduction to Solid State Physics, by Charles Kittel
Oct 1998, $77.50, John Wiley and Son, Seventh Edition
ISBN 0-471-11181-3
(5) Physical Electronics by C.L.Hemenway, R.W.Henry and
M.Cautton, Second Edition March 1967, John Wiley and Son,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-23327
(6) Physics, Technology and applications of Junction
charge-coupled devices, Thesis by Evert A Wolsheimer
at the Delft University of Technology, Netherland, 1981.
(7) CCDとその応用技術 トリケップス技術資料集 第42号
( pp.1〜58 萩原良昭著¥30400円!)
(8) 半導体工学 基礎からデバイスまで
深海登世司監修 東京電気大学出版局 1998 \3500円
(9) 現在 半導体デバイスの基礎 岸野正剛著
オーム社 3400円 ISBN4-274-12996-9
(10) 電子デバイス物性 宇佐美 晶 ほか共著
日本理工出版会 2300円 ISBN4-89019-123-2 C3055
(11) 超LSI入門シリーズ MOS トランジスタの動作原理
武石喜幸&原央監修 近代科学社 2200円
1980年 3355-000530-1392
(12) アモファス半導体の基礎 菊池誠監修ほか
オーム社 2900円 1982年
(13) 電子物性基礎 電気学会 大場勇治郎ほか共著
1997年 第10版 ISBN4-88686215-2 C3054
(14) 半導体エレクトロニクス 宇田新太郎著
1970年9月 丸善株式会社 1800円
(15) Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits,
Second Edition by Richard S. Muller and Theodore I.Kamins
Wiley, 1977, 1986, 1998, ISBN0-471-88758-7
(16) Introduction to the Physics of Semiconductor Devices
by David J. Roulston, 1999, Oxford University Press,
ISBN 0-19-511477-9
(17) Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices
by Yuan Taur and Tak H.Ning, Cambridge University Press,
ISBN 0-521-55056-4 - ISBN 0-521-55959-6(pbk.)
(18) Electricity and Basic Electronics by Stephen R.Matt,
1998 G-W Publisher, ISBN 1-56637-406-5 $44.90
(19) Deep-Submicron CMOS ICs, From Basic to ASICs
by Harry Veendrick Second Edition 2000
Kluwer academic publishers, ISBN 90 440 01116 NUGI 832
(20) Concepts of Modern Physics, Fifth Edition 1995
by Arthur Beiser, BcGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-004814-2 $68.50
(21) MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practice
by Daniel Foty, 2001 Prentice Hall Series, ISBN 0-13-227935-5
(22) Solid State Electronics Devices, Fourth Edition 1995
by Ben G.Streetman, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-158767-6
(23) Principles of Semiconductor Devices
by Sima Dimitrijev, Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19-516113-0
(24) the Story of Semiconductors by John Orton
Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19-853083-8 Dec 2003
(25) The Essential Guide to Semiconductors
by Jim Turley, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-046404-X, $34.99
(26) Modular Series on Solid State Devices
Volume II The PN Junction Diode by Gerold W.Neudeck
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-12296-0
(27) Modular Series on Solid State Devices
Volume III The Bipolar Junction Transistor by Gerold W.Neudeck
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-12297-9
(28) Modular Series on Solid State Devices, 1999
Volume IV Field Effect Devices by Robert F.Pierret $24.95
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-12298-7
(29) Modular Series on Solid State Devices, 1999
Volume VI Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals by Robert F.Pierret $24.95
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-05338-1
(30) Basic Electronics Theory with Projects and Experiments
the forth edition by Delton T.Horn, TAB Books, $29.95
ISBN 0-8306-4200-5 1994
(31) Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices by Kwok K.Ng
McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-035860-5, 1995
(32) Semiconductor Device Modeling for VLSI 1993
by Kwyro Lee et al, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-805656-0
(33) Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Robert F.Pierret
Addison Wesley ISBN 0-201-54393-1 $89.50 1999
(34) Semiconductor Devices, an Introduction by Jasprit Singh
McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-057625-4, 1998
(35) Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Basic Principles, 1998
by Donald A. Neamen, $97.00 IRWIN Inc, ISBN 0-256-08405-x
(36) Semiconductor Memories, technology, testing and Reliability
by Ashok K. Sharma IEEE Press ISBN 0-7803-1000-4 1997
(37) The Future of Technology, edited by Tom Standage,
Profiles Books LTD, ISBN 1 86197 971-1 $29.95 2005
(38) The Solid State THIRD EDITION by H.M.Rosenberg
Oxford Science Publications ISBN 0-19-851870-6 $24.95
(39) Nonvolatile Memory Technologies with Emphasis on Flash
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Using NVM Devices
edited by Joe E.Brewer and Manzur Gill, IEEE Press Series
ISBN 978-0-471-77002-2
(40)Electronics Devices and Circuits, Schaum's Easy Outlines
by Jimmie J. Cathey, $9.95 ISBN 0-07-145532-9
(41)トランジスターの料理法 柴田肇 著
CQ出版社 2800円 ISBN978-4-7898-4171-9